
桜の咲く季節  Cherry Blossom Season

桜が咲き始める3月の後半は卒業式のシーズンです。学校生活を共に過ごした友達や先生との別れの時期です。そして桜が満開に咲く4月には入学式や入社式があり、新しい生活が始まり新しい人との出会いがあります。日本では、春はスタートの季節です。日本人が桜の花を好きなのは、桜の綺麗さはもちろんですが、新しい事を始める喜びの時に咲くからかもしれません。色々な種類の桜がある中で、私は「ソメイヨシノ」が一番好きです。 皆さん、卒業そして入学おめでとう!

追伸 : 欧米の新学期は9月からなので秋の行事ですね。

The end of March the cherry trees start to bloom. This is the graduation season. We part from friends and teachers who spent a lot of time with at the school. And when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, we have the entrance ceremonies at schools and companies. We start our new lives and meet new people. Spring is the starting season in Japan. Japanese people like cherry blossoms very much because of their beauty. And another reason I think is because the cherry flowers are in full bloom at this starting period. There are many kinds of cherry trees and my favorite is ‘Someiyoshino’.
Congratulations to all the graduates and new school admissions.

P.S. The new term in Western countries start in September and it’s an autumn event.

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