
はじめまして! Nice to meet you!

私は、日本語を外国人に教えていると同時に、英語を習っています。 最近、言語を勉強するということは、ただ文法や単語を覚えればいいのではないと思うようになりました。つまり、それぞれの国の文化の違いを知って、理解、尊重しなければならないと思うのです。そんな日々の生活の中で、気づいたことを書いていこうと思います。 また、皆さまのコメントを楽しみにしています。日本語か英語で書いて下さい。

I'm teaching Japanese to foreigners and also learning English. Recently, I think that studying a language doesn't mean just memorizing grammar and vocabulary. What I mean is, we need to know the differences between cultures and we should understand and respect this. I'm going to be writing about things that I notice around me in my daily life. And I'm looking really forward to reading your comments. Please write them in Japanese or English.

7 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

Hi Keiko,

Thanks for sharing with me about your blog. I totally agree that studying a language is not just about understanding grammar and vocabulary from texbooks within a classroom environment. It is also about cultural exchanges and lifestyle. It should be not only academic-oriented, but also social-oriented.

I look forward to reading what you will share about your daily life. I will provide my comments from time to time. Should you need my help, feel free to let me know. Good luck!

匿名 さんのコメント...


Michael さんのコメント...


I found your blog completely by chance, and I'm so glad I did! It offers a wonderful chance for me to improve my comprehension of written Japanese.
From 1995-98, I lived on the Pacific coast of Chiba-ken. I taught English in a public junior high school, and during my free time I pursued my deep interest in Japanese religions, history and culture.
To learn even more about these things, I want to improve my language skills, and your blog seems like the perfect way to do so!

New Jersey USA

P.S. If you get the chance, I invite you to visit my Web site of photos I took while living in Japan, www.sliceofjapan.com.
I also have a blog, ohenrosan.blogspot.com.

Mata yoroshiku onegai shimasu ...

Kozy さんのコメント...

Hello Michael-san

Thank you very much for your comment. I'm really glad to read it and Kochirakoso douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

Zen さんのコメント...

I have just finshed reading most of your blog. I liked it! I enjoy reading the sites of daily life in Japan from both a forigner and a native. I will be moving to japan some day in the future with my wife who is from Osaka.
I came to your site froma listing on Michael-san from New Jersey's

I have two blog sites. One is about my Yacht and it's preperations to sail to Japan= Http://zensekai2.wordpress.com

The other is about our daily life or almost daily life here in California of a Blasian couple =

If they sound of interest to you please visit and say hello.

はじめまて わたしわのなまえぜんです


Kozy さんのコメント...

Hello Zen-san

Thank you for your comments.
I'm glad to hear that you like my blog.
I'm going to visit your blogs.

ぜんさん、こちらこそ どうぞよろしく。
ぜんさんの にほんご よくわかります。