▶150社を超える日本企業が進出しており、日本は輸出相手国として重要な位 置を占めています。
▶南北戦争では南部連合側に最後に参入し、最も多くの兵士を失い苦しい再建 時代を送りました。
▶現代ではシャーロット、ローリー、ダーラム、チャペルヒルを中心に経済的に 大躍進し、州人口も急速に伸びて、農業、金融、産業で国家的なリーダーに なるよう成長してきました。
▶多くのNASCARレーシングチーム及び関連産業がシャーロット近郊に本拠地 を設けていて、アメリカのモータースポーツの中心地となっています。
▶カリフォルニア州以外で最も映画製作を行っている州の1つです。映画撮影所 はシェルビー、ローリー、ダーラム、シャーロット、アシュビル、及びウィルミン トンに位置しています。
North Carolina is a state in the Southeastern United States
▶The capital city is Raleigh and the largest city is Charlotte
▶More than 150 Japanese companies have been expanding, Japan occupies an important position as export destinations
▶NC last entered the confederate side in the American Civil War and lost most amount of the soldiers. They spent a painful reconstruction era.
▶In modern times, this state has been a major breakthrough economically by Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill The population is growing rapidly and the has grown to become a national leader in agriculture, financial services and industries.
▶Many NASCAR racing teams and related industries have home base in the suburbs of Charlotte and NC has been a center of motor sports in the United States
▶NC is one of the states that have become one of the largest film productions outside of California. The film studios are located in Shelby, Raleigh, Durham, Charlotte, Asheville, and Wilmington.
▶O. Henry who is famous for his novel "The Gift of the Magi" is from NC.
※Durham City and Toyama city in Japan are sister cities.