再会 Meeting again
I saw John and his fiancée Heather in Tokyo who went back to the U.S. last year. We ate lunch at a Vietnamese food restaurant after that we went to another place to meet some other friends. We enjoyed chatting very much. I became acquainted with many nice people through John. And I still have a good relationship with them. I’m really thankful to him. Thank you, John.
※I’m going to Canada next month. I’m going to visit Quebec and Toronto.
If you have some helpful information, please tell me.
三ツ星レストラン A Three-star Restaurant

ミシュランのガイド書で40年以上、三ツ星を維持しているボキューズ氏のフランス、リヨンにあるレストランが、世界で初めて日本の国立新美術館にオープンしました。その名前は、「ブラッスリー ポール・ボキューズ ミュゼ」。モネを鑑賞した後、友人と夕食を食べました。うーん、さすがに美味しかった。ただ、お店の雰囲気が落ち着かないことが残念でした。美術館の中にあるレストランだからしょうがないのでしょうが、照明が明るすぎて、夜景もよく見えませんでした。ランチはリーズナブルなようですが、かなり並ぶそうです。
One of the three-star restaurants in Michelin’s Guide Book that Mr. Bocuse has run in Lyon, France for over 40years opened at the National Art Center in Japan for the first time. The name of the restaurant is ‘Brasserie Paul Bocuse Le Musee’. After I enjoyed the Monet exhibition, I ate dinner with my friend. Hmm, it was delicious as I expected, but it’s a shame that the restaurant’s atmosphere was uncomfortable because maybe it’s inside the museum. There were a lot of lights there so we couldn’t see night view very well. Their lunch price is reasonable but you have to wait for a long time.
モネの展覧会 Monet Exhibition

I went to the Monet Exhibition at the National Art Center, in Roppongi in Tokyo. This museum opened this January. It’s been a while since I’ve visited a museum. I could appreciate Monet’s art for about an hour (from 6 p.m-7 p.m.). The museum stays open until 8 p.m. only on Fridays. According a TV news program, the exhibition’s been very crowded during the daytime so I was lucky. I don’t know much about art and I usually just look at everything whether I like them or not. There were many famous works there and I was very impressed by ‘The Magpie’. It was one of his greatest paintings, a scene with the reflection of the sun light in the snow. When you have a chance, please take a look at it.
I’ll tell you about the restaurant there that I had dinner at in my next blog.