Recently I have become interested in Uganda because my international student, who is from the U.S., had an effect on me. I only knew that the president Amin was the Ugandan military dictator and that the country is scary because usually there is some ongoing internal insurrection. The young student is studying to be a doctor. She goes to a small village in Uganda once a year helping with medical activities as a volunteer. Please look at this site ENGEYE which she is a main member. I’m really impressed with her because she is studying medical science and helping ENGEYE with various fundrasing projects. I heard that she’s going there again this February from Japan. It’s incredible!
From the student:
"Together, we have the capability to instill major change - to reduce
human suffering caused by health care inadequacies. Your tax-exempt
donation will work immediately towards providing basic health care to an
area of the world that had never seen modern medicine before the Engeye
Health Clinic. Please consider donating your time, energy, and/or
resources to this cause. The world needs your help. Donations can be
made online at www.engeye.org. Engeye Health Clinic is a 501 (c) 3
Let us not look back and realize we did not live up to our potential -
that we could have done more to help those in need. Our aspirations are
not dreams, but realities - of which we are the chief part. Join us in
pushing the boundaries of our visions. As conscientious global
citizens, we must act now. Advocate. Let's journey outside our own
small microcosm and use the tools we possess to change the world."