After I made my blog, some friends sent me their remarks about it. I was very glad to read them. I want to write something at least once a week but sometimes it’s difficult for me to do it because of my job. When I read their comments, they give me energy and make motivate me to do my best. Thank you all so much.
義理チョコ Obligatory Chocolate
職場でバレンタインデーに、女性が好き、嫌いに関係なく男性の上司や同僚にあげるチョコレートのことです。このことは、日本語のテキストブックの’Japanese for busy people’ のトピックにもなっています。これに関しては、さまざまな意見があります。だた習慣として義務的にチョコレートをあげるのはとても失礼だという考え、もう一方では、オフィスで和やかな雰囲気を作るためのコミュニケーション手段という考え方です。最近のあるアンケートによると70%のOLと50%のサラリーマンがこの習慣がなくなって欲しいと思っているそうです。皆さんはどう思われますか。日本には、またバレンタインデーのお返しの日として3月14日のホワイトデーがあります。その時は、男性が女性にキャンディーやクッキーなどをあげます。どちらにしても、お菓子メーカーの戦略勝ちの気がしますが・・・。韓国では、4月14日にブラックデーと言うのもあるそうです。面白いですね。
February 14th was Valentine’s Day.
How did you spend this date? On this day we sometimes give obligatory chocolate. It’s called “giri-choco” in Japanese. Female office workers customarily give chocolate to male superiors and co-workers at their office on Valentine’s Day. It's does not matter if the women like or dislike the men. This is also one of the topics in the Japanese textbook entitled ‘Japanese for busy people’. There are various opinions about this. Some people think that it is very rude because it’s not from the heart. Meanwhile, some people think that it is a communicative tool for making a friendlier atmosphere in the office. According to a recent questionnaire, 70% of female office workers and 50% of the businessmen want to quit this custom. What do you think about this? And also, we have a White Day on March 14th in Japan. The men give the women candy or cookies in exchange for the gifts they received on Valentine’s Day. In both cases, I think confectionery companies win. There is a Black Day on April 14th in Korea. I think it’s very interesting too!
職場でバレンタインデーに、女性が好き、嫌いに関係なく男性の上司や同僚にあげるチョコレートのことです。このことは、日本語のテキストブックの’Japanese for busy people’ のトピックにもなっています。これに関しては、さまざまな意見があります。だた習慣として義務的にチョコレートをあげるのはとても失礼だという考え、もう一方では、オフィスで和やかな雰囲気を作るためのコミュニケーション手段という考え方です。最近のあるアンケートによると70%のOLと50%のサラリーマンがこの習慣がなくなって欲しいと思っているそうです。皆さんはどう思われますか。日本には、またバレンタインデーのお返しの日として3月14日のホワイトデーがあります。その時は、男性が女性にキャンディーやクッキーなどをあげます。どちらにしても、お菓子メーカーの戦略勝ちの気がしますが・・・。韓国では、4月14日にブラックデーと言うのもあるそうです。面白いですね。
February 14th was Valentine’s Day.
How did you spend this date? On this day we sometimes give obligatory chocolate. It’s called “giri-choco” in Japanese. Female office workers customarily give chocolate to male superiors and co-workers at their office on Valentine’s Day. It's does not matter if the women like or dislike the men. This is also one of the topics in the Japanese textbook entitled ‘Japanese for busy people’. There are various opinions about this. Some people think that it is very rude because it’s not from the heart. Meanwhile, some people think that it is a communicative tool for making a friendlier atmosphere in the office. According to a recent questionnaire, 70% of female office workers and 50% of the businessmen want to quit this custom. What do you think about this? And also, we have a White Day on March 14th in Japan. The men give the women candy or cookies in exchange for the gifts they received on Valentine’s Day. In both cases, I think confectionery companies win. There is a Black Day on April 14th in Korea. I think it’s very interesting too!
名古屋 Nagoya

I went to Nagoya with my friend last week. This winter is really cold in Japan and we had a little snow there. Expo 2005 Aichi was held from March to September and I heard it was very crowded and lively. Nagoya city is very small and the subway is very convenient. We went to see Nagoya castle, Atsuta-jingu shrine and the Tokugawa art museum for sightseeing. We could see a groom and bride at Atsuta shrine. There are some famous foods in Nagoya, for example, Miso-katsu, Nagoya–cochin and Hitsumabushi and so on. I think everyone should try ‘Hitsumabushi’ at least once. The way of eating it is very interesting!
I met some American business people from Washington at the subway station and they asked me how to get to Atsuta shrine. I explained how and told them the right exit, after that, they said “Arigato”. I think that when I visit a foreign country, I want to be able to at least say greetings in that country’s mother tongue.
女ことば Female words
日本語には、女ことばと男ことばがあります。 以前、この事を1人のアメリカ人に話したら「差別じゃないの?」と聞かれたことがあり驚きました。英語には男性と女性が使うことばに違いはなく、理解できなかったようです。でも、その違いのない英語にも’fabulous’という単語は女性が使い、もし男性が使ったらゲイと思われるということを、最近教えてもらいました。私は、女ことばを使った会話には柔らかなやさしさがあって良いと思うのですが、この頃ずいぶん変わってきて、特に女子学生の会話はまるで男の子のようです。とても残念なことです。これは私の意見ですが、女性には食事の時に「これは、うまい」ではなくて、「これは、おいしい」と言って欲しいと思います。他の国ではことばの違いはどうなのでしょうか。ご存知の方がいらしたら是非コメントして下さい。
There are some female and male words in Japanese language.
Once when I talked about this with an American, he asked me, ‘Isn’t this discrimination?’ The English language doesn’t have these word differences so that he couldn’t understand. Recently I heard ‘fabulous’ is only used by women and if men use it people think they are gay. I like the fact that Japanese women can use feminine words in their conversations because this creates a soft and gentle atmosphere. There are many changes among young female students these days. They sound like boys. It’s very disappointing. This is only my opinion, but I would like all women to say ‘kore wa oishii’ instead of ‘kore wa umai’. I'm wondering how other countries feel about this. If you have the answer to this problem, please send your comments to my blog.
John-san, thank you for introducing my blog on yours.
There are some female and male words in Japanese language.
Once when I talked about this with an American, he asked me, ‘Isn’t this discrimination?’ The English language doesn’t have these word differences so that he couldn’t understand. Recently I heard ‘fabulous’ is only used by women and if men use it people think they are gay. I like the fact that Japanese women can use feminine words in their conversations because this creates a soft and gentle atmosphere. There are many changes among young female students these days. They sound like boys. It’s very disappointing. This is only my opinion, but I would like all women to say ‘kore wa oishii’ instead of ‘kore wa umai’. I'm wondering how other countries feel about this. If you have the answer to this problem, please send your comments to my blog.
John-san, thank you for introducing my blog on yours.
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